Why do limbs ache when suffering from gastro?


Why do limbs ache when suffering from gastro?

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6 Answers

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Inflammation is a hell of a symptom that doesn’t get the attention it deserves IMO. When your digestive tract gets Inflamed your whole body seems to be affected.

Anecdotally: I came across the idea of fasting for treating Inflammation. Being a gout sufferer I knew I had elevated level of Inflammation. I figured I’d give it a shot. Day 4 when I woke up I got out of bed, walked to the bathroom, did my business and went about getting ready. It hit me like a lightning bolt when I was halfway down the stairs to leave to work. I wasn’t hobbling around from stiff joints like I do every morning for the first hour. I’m sure I looked like an idiot but I went up and down the stairs like 10 times, giggling because my legs felt *normal* for the first time in I couldn’t remember.

Soon as I broke my fast I started getting progressively more hobble-y in the mornings, like by the end of the week it was back to the old “normal”. I went extreme elimination diet. Eating only beef and salt. Introduced foods/seasonings one at a time after a one month wash-out. Black pepper on week 5, no response. Cayenne and chili powder on week 7, I actually seemed to feel better with those. I have to limit garlic, learned that on week 9. A single sprig of rosemary on a roast on week 11 had me hobbling the very next day for three days. 5 days later I tried rosemary again and my inflammatory response was so high my gouty toe itched for a full week like I was going to get a full blown attack. Thyme, no response. I even got inflammatory responses from a carrot, as well as potatoes, and a single slice of bread gave me the worst case of brain fog it felt like I hadn’t slept all night.

I was not a healthy person when I started the experiment by any stretch of my wild imagination. I ended up losing all my excess weight, my doctor stopped telling me I was going to kill myself and that I was a moron for eating 2-3lbs of meat a day to treat my gout.

I’m a normal weight now and I seem to tolerate more exposure to things if I stray from the diet. I don’t get brain fog from eating bread occasionally, and carrots and potatoes when I can be arsed to make a roast do me no inflammatory response anymore that I can discern. There’s still triggers I absolutely need to avoid though like rosemary, stone fruits, pineapple, and every single bean. The inflammatory response from them still has my joints aching the next morning.

The point of my experience anecdote is other than being overweight and gouty I had no other real chronic complaints other than stiff joints in the morning. I didn’t have any gastro problems that met traditional diagnostic criteria. No IBS, Crohns, diarrhea, food poisoning… whatever. No gastro complaints whatsoever but I could and still can reliably turn on and off stiff achey joints like a lightswitch by eating the wrong thing. Now that I know what it feels like to have a “normal” experience and what something as benign as rosemary can do to my joints I can’t imagine what hell it must be to have IBS or Crohns.

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