Why do Mars surface images have orange sky?


Well Ive been seeing some images of the Mars surface and I noticed that their sky is not dark with stars like Moon, instead it is orange-ish like [here](https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/msl/images/index.html)

In: Physics

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mars sky diffraction during the day would appear closer to yellow on its own given the composition of its atmosphere, however Mars is DRY. Dry means dusty. Mars dust is red. Red dust plus yellow atmosphere= orange sky

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mars has an atmosphere so the sky will look similar to the Earth during the day. You can see that in some of the pictures you linked.

However, there is no liquid water on Mars, which means that the atmosphere is very dusty and its that dust that you’re seeing in the pictures that have a reddish tint to them. Again, in the pictures with low amounts of dust the sky looks fairly similar to how it does on Earth.

Everything on Earth is really wet, including the dirt. Water acts kind of like a glue for dirt, keeping it from turning into dust and getting kicked up into the atmosphere. This means that there is little to no dust in the Earth’s atmosphere. Since there is no water in the dirt on Mars, its very easy for it to turn into dust and get picked up by the wind.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The sky on earth is only dark with stars and the moon at night, when the sun isn’t seen.

What you’re seeing is Mars during the day.

Mars has a less dense atmosphere than Earth, so as a result the sky looks like it’s a different color. True color images of mars will show a sky that has less *diffraction* than Earth’s sky, because earth’s sky is more dense.

The more dense a sky, the more diffraction. The less dense, the less diffraction.

It’s sort of like how the sky looks different under 1 foot of water than 10 feet of water!