Why do massages help with pain?


For example, if you have sore feet from walking too much and someone massages your feet, why does the pain go down? How does massaging the body part help with soreness?

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2 Answers

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When someone gives you a massage, they use their hands to apply gentle pressure and make soft movements on your skin. This touch sends special signals to your brain. These signals tell your brain that everything is okay and that it’s time to relax.

The gentle pressure of the massage also helps to increase the flow of blood in your body. Blood carries lots of important things like oxygen and nutrients that your body needs to heal and feel better. So when the blood flows better, it helps to ease the pain.

Massage can also help relax the muscles. When we get hurt or have sore muscles, they can become tight and tense. But with a massage, those tense muscles can loosen up and relax. It’s like giving them a nice stretch and helping them feel less achy.

Sometimes, just having someone give you a massage can also make you feel loved and cared for. It’s like a big warm hug for your body!

So, massage is a special touch that helps your brain relax, increases the flow of blood to the sore area, and loosens up tight muscles. All of these things work together to make you feel better when you’re in pain.

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