Why Do Medications Recommend Taking Pain Meds At Onset of Pain Rather Than When Its At Peak?


Why Do Medications Recommend Taking Pain Meds At Onset of Pain Rather Than When Its At Peak?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Stay ahead. If you are experiencing peak pain then you where late on your medication. They say to take the medication when you are on the come down so that you don’t risk having a really shitty few hours before the meds kick.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pain medication, particularly oral meds, take time to take effect.

They have to get through the liver barrier so it can take up to 30 minutes for them to take effect and up to an hour to reach full strength.

So if you take them at peak pain, you’ll be waiting longer to get relief. Also it gives you a chance to increase the dose if you need too.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s much harder to block the pain signal after it’s being sent. The way nerves work is each fits the signal like a key – so the pain signal fits into the neuron like a key in a lock. If the key is already in the lock replacing it with a new (pain med) key is much harder. Put the pain med key in first or when the signal is weak (fewer keys in fewer locks) and you can stop the signal much more easily.