Why do men have receding hairlines and pattern baldness, while women do not?


Why do men have receding hairlines and pattern baldness, while women do not?

In: 58

15 Answers

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Unlike what is generally considered to be true, testosterone itself does not cause male pattern baldness, or all meatheads would be bald.

It is due to genetic factors and stressors, with emphasis on the latter. Nothing scares hair away quite like stress, which men have a lot more of.

As for the genetics, here’s where the testosterone comes into play. Some people are genetically sensitive to a byproduct of testosterone metabolism called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). They go bald whether they have a lot of testosterone or not, as long as there is some in the system. If only people with a high level of testosterone went bald, then they would also have a high amount of muscle mass and a lower amount of fat, which is not the case.

Read more [here](https://www.healthline.com/health/why-do-men-go-bald#main-cause-of-balding)

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