Why do men lose interest in sex/sexual arousal immediately after orgasm?


Why do men lose interest in the sexual activities or anything arousal in general extremely quickly after having an orgasm? How does function of being horny work? How are genitals connected to our decision making capabilities? Why sexual release can change things this fast and this drastically?

It would be funny if I find out I am the only one,
but I assume I am not since all the gags and posts about “post nut clarity” or finding the “content” you are watching becoming unbearable right after you come.

In: 201

39 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think about this from a different evolutionary perspective. With evolution traits don’t have to be beneficial to get passed down they just have to be non-detrimental. I think that having a sex drive after ejaculation is detrimental to the chance of the offspring being born. We see in other species that nature doesn’t actually give a shit if the male dies after sex (in many species males are disposable). Further, evolution doesn’t give a shit about parents – only offspring, which is why dying in childbirth hasn’t been evolutioned out. I think it’s more about a high sex drive after ejaculation being detrimental to the female. Sex is inherently dangerous for females. Pre-antibiotics you’d get a UTI and either your body would clear it or you get a kidney infection and you die. If men could keep going after ejaculation they would literally fuck human women out of existence. It’s also why I think men get sleepy after sex (gives the woman a chance to escape). Sure all of the care hormones make it more likely that the offspring will survive but humans are social creatures and could get that from other people. Females don’t necessarily need their mating partner because they don’t stay in their nuclear family – they rely on a larger social group to survive.

In short, males can’t keep going at it because otherwise their offspring wouldn’t make it.

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