Why do men lose interest in sex/sexual arousal immediately after orgasm?


Why do men lose interest in the sexual activities or anything arousal in general extremely quickly after having an orgasm? How does function of being horny work? How are genitals connected to our decision making capabilities? Why sexual release can change things this fast and this drastically?

It would be funny if I find out I am the only one,
but I assume I am not since all the gags and posts about “post nut clarity” or finding the “content” you are watching becoming unbearable right after you come.

In: 201

39 Answers

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It’s kind of like asking why you lose your appetite for food right after gorging at a buffet.

There’s a drive to eat and a drive to mate, both are evolved survival instincts. After being fully satisfied, the urge temporarily goes away.

Your body is basically saying “Hooray, you’ve now mated, good job! Now go do something else useful, your mate is already inseminated so doing some hunting or gathering would be more useful.” And then by the next day your body is like “well you don’t currently have a kid in your lap so we should probably mate again just to make sure” aka the horniness returns.

It’s really a lot like food appetite and the drive to eat. Right after a huge meal your body’s like “nice job, we’re all full of nutrients and energy to meet our needs! Now go do something else useful with all this fuel”. And then later, when you’re *not* full of fuel, hunger returns.

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