Why do most birds bob their head back and forth when they walk?


Why do most birds bob their head back and forth when they walk?

In: 57

8 Answers

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It was a simple programming error in early generations of these mechanical devices. The engineers in charge were rushed to get these machines out in the public sector, as photography was becoming a more viable and widely-used technology. As most dev time was put towards flight, it was an easy bug to miss. Unfortunately for the big gov, people began to notice this as a typical quirk of birds, and it even entered a couple written records. It was concluded that it was easier to keep consistency in the head-bobbing walk than to fix it and destroy all records with no trace. This had been done a few times before but never with great success.

TLDR r/birdsarentreal and this began as a simple coding error that was just easier overall to keep in the programming logic

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