I present all of this assuming that you know how to read music. If you don’t know how to read music, this may not be able to be explained in ELI5.
If a song is played in the key of C, you generally have seven notes and chords to play around with.
Notes – C, d, e, F, G, a, b
Chords –
C Major, d minor, e minor, F Major, G Major, a minor, b diminished
These chords are made up of three notes.
C is C, E, G
d is d, f, a
e is e, g, b
F is F, A, C
G is G, B, D
a is a, c, e
b dim. is b, d, f
When you have a “7 chord”. It is those three notes, plus one more. This can be the minor 7th scale degree (in C that would be a Bb) or it can be the major seventh scale degree (in C that would be a B). But it’s often the minor 7th.
Cmaj7 is C, E, G, B (major 7th from C to B)
Dm7 is d, f, a, c (minor 7th interval from d to c)
Em7 is e, g, b, d (minor 7th interval from e to d)
Fmaj7 is F, A, C, E (major 7th from F to E)
G7, also called a “dominant 7th” in key of C) is G, B, D, F (minor 7th interval from G to F)
All Maj./min7 chords will sound similar.
All min./min7 chords will sound similar.
All Maj./Maj7 chords will sound similar.
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