Why do new clothes contain so many frickin’ labels?


Why do new clothes contain so many frickin’ labels?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Those labels have important information usually, like the washing instructions and the size. Any more than that and they’re just being a nuisance.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some are the care labels. They tell you how to safely clean and/or dry the material.

Some are material labels and specify the country of origin. The material is important to people who may have allergies, and can help you figure out what to do if the care label is gone or illegible. The labels about country of origin are important for taxation, import, and social regions. People like to know their Very Patriotic President’s hats are proudly made in China so they can argue it’s OK when he does it.

Others are just for branding. I think this has to do with having threats against counterfeiters. The design or style of a piece of clothing may not always be able to be protected via trademark or copyright, but the company logo CAN. So maybe it’s perfectly legal to make knock-off Ralph Lauren shirts, but if you print a label with the Ralph Lauren logo on it they can nail you for infringement (if you aren’t smart enough to make your counterfeit products in a country that doesn’t give a snot.)