Why do onions make us cry when we cut them, but not when we eat them?

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I was helping my mom in the kitchen today, and when I started chopping onions, my eyes started stinging and tearing up. But then I realized something weird – when we eat onions in our food, they don’t make us cry at all!Can someone explain why onions make us cry when we cut them

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20 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Tip: I put a small fan on the counter, directed at the onion, to redirect the onion vapor and that helps my eyes not sting!

Anonymous 0 Comments

Apparently if you leave a wet paper towel near where you cut the onions, your eyes are spared the onions wrath.

Have not tried. Nor do I know if this would work.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically when you cut the onion it sprays little onion juices in the air and THATS what makes your eyes sting. If it’s in your mouth all the onion juices stay there, unless you took a bite out of it like an apple or something. But yeah, it’s the onion mist that burns lmao

Anonymous 0 Comments

You know you should try an eat a raw onion and see if you cry 😉

Heat deactivates the chemical compounds that make you cry

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sulfuric Acid in your eyes after your tears mix with the fumes from the onion = eyes burn.

No Sulfuric Acid in eyes = no burn.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The chemical that raw, cut onions emits is attracted moisture, and nearest receptacle that has lots of moisture are your eyes.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The onion contains a chemical that, when mixed with water, becomes solfenic acid. Solfenic acid in eyes hurts 

Anonymous 0 Comments

Why do I NOT cry or tear up when I cut onions? My partner does from the across the room.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If an onion cut you wouldn’t you cry?