Why do our bodies get older, and why do we all eventually die of old age?


Why do our bodies get older, and why do we all eventually die of old age?

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10 Answers

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Some people have already answered why we get older, but I’ll answer the part about dying of old age.

It’s not real.

As we age, our body gets less and less effective at doing the normal functions of a body. Eventually, *something* will stop working. And that’s the thing that will kill you. Some sort of organ failure or some disease that your immune system can no longer handle or an injury that you can no longer recover from. “Dying of old age” used to be an official cause of death that basically boiled down to “we don’t know exactly why this person died because they were old and they had a lot of things wrong with them”. But, with modern medicine, it is easier to pinpoint the exact cause, even when there are many potential causes.

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