Why do our bodies not get thirsty enough to drink the “recommended” amount of water?


I keep seeing these things about how people should drink 2 liters a day or 3 liters or whatever but if i had to estimate i think i drink about 0.5 to 1 liter a day, i just drink when i feel thirsty and that’s the amount i need to drink in a day to not feel thirsty…

If we only eat when we’re hungry why do we have to drink when we’re not thirsty?

In: Biology

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s actually a myth that we need 2 liters a day. A lot of studies that say we do need that much, were funded by bottled water manufacturers. There was a medical journal in 1945 that said we needed 2.5L, but it also rightfully pointed out we get most of that from food. Real answer is, your thirst is like your hunger – Drink when thirsty, eat when hungry

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Assuming there’s no underlying disorders or health problems affecting a person’s eating/drinking habits, doing as the body wants isn’t a terrible idea.

However, 2L of water isn’t an unreasonable amount of fluids. I’d look at your urine color, for a more precise judgement. There’s plenty of resources out there to illustrate the exact shades you’re looking for.

And with all things health related, asking your doctor never hurts.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you’re thirsty, you already started the dehydration process. You should be drinking before your body is thirsty.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We have three sensations related to thirst and hunger.

Dire thirst – really need water. Associated with dry mouth, chapped lips, dehydration, etc
Starvation – when hunger pangs turn into hunger stabbing
Hunger – day to day sensation that it’s time to eat. This feeling occurs when you need food or water.

So this is why it is advised to drink some water if you are hungry. The feeling may go away. Your body may be craving water, but there is no separate sensation for this.

You don’t have a drive to drink water because we are taught incorrectly how to listen to our bodies. It is there, but we typically just snack when hungry.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sometimes we confuse thirst with hunger. We think we’re hungry when we’re actually just dehydrated.

Also, you can ‘get used’ to the feeling of dehydration just because you don’t know what it’s like to be hydrated. i.e. chronic dehydration causes dry skin, sluggishness etc. but you might blame those problems on other factors. Point is that the symptoms of dehydration are more than just thirst.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’re not supposed to feel thirsty. You’re supposed to drink to avoid the feeling of thirst.

Anonymous 0 Comments

1) The recommendations are junk

2) The amount YOU require varies enormously from person to person.

3) The amount you require varies according to what you’ve been doing, sweating, local temperatures, time of day, how much you pee, etc.

4) You get an awful lot of water from food. A potato is something like 80% water. 20% solids.

5) Your body knows far better than any statistic what it needs, and will make you desire certain things. Of course, you have to moderate your bodies desires (like all such things) but if you’re thirsty, then drink and if you’re not you likely don’t need water.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Those recommendations are based on total water consumption, not just drinking water. If your diet has other components than Jacob’s cream crackers, you are consuming significant amounts of water through the food you eat.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A lot of people have explained it. To sum it up? Water bottle companies funded studies to “prove” we needed that much water. Your body knows best. Listen to it’s signs. As stated before. Eat when hungry. Drink when thirsty.