Why do our brains release these ‘chemicals’ that make us not afraid in our last moments?


I’ve heard of people with near death experiences having these calm, soothing experiences. It’s lovely that our brains do this for us.
I know there’s a natural selection, those with the best characteristics continued, and those who didn’t have the qualities to survive would pass away. But everyone dies in the end. What made it so that all brains release those chemicals to ease our last moments?

In: 186

25 Answers

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We know that opium, which is a plant extract, causes us to not feel pain, or more accurately to not feel disturbed by pain and feel at peace.

We then found that our brain has receptors that sense the presence of opium (opioid receptors), that when in presence of opium, create those effects.

As it is improbable that the human brain has evolved a receptor for a plant substance, the search of the normal signal those receptors react to, started. Thus we found the endorphins.

Endorphins are hormones secreted by the brain to counteract excess pain or stress. These are for example the cause of the second wind, or runner’s high that endurance athletes feel , and it is possibly the cause of the effect you describe.

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