why do our muscles begin to shake after holding something heavy for a while?


why do our muscles begin to shake after holding something heavy for a while?

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2 Answers

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When you begin to overwork your muscles, your muscles start to fatigue as a result of a lack of oxygen and nutrients being given to the muscle. Your body can only provide so much oxygen, and repair so much muscle at any one time – as such when you are holding something heavy your body starts to provide energy to your muscles.

Now your muscles may start shaking for two reasons:
– The first reason, which results in a longer shaking in your muscles is the effects of adrenaline on your muscles. Due to the extra set of power the adrenaline has given you your muscles start to contract harsher and more frequently, as such this then feels like shaking.
– The second reason which is a lot more common is that theirs too much lactic acid in your muscles, lactic acid forms when your body is breaking down it’s carbohydrate stores to support your muscles. This is a natural process, and your body uses the incoming oxygen from your breathing to get rid of this acid. When the load is too much, this acid starts to stick around and your muscles begin to fail due to a lack of energy and a high amount of lactic acid – the muscles burn as a result of the acid, and then any working muscle which hasn’t given up begins to contract harder to make up for the load. As the contractions are not at a constant rate, your muscles keep contracting harder then usual which is then why you shake.

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