Why do our taste buds get more comfortable with sour, spicy, bitter foods with age?


I remember in myself (and observe now) kids not being able to stand foods that are spicy, bitter, fermented, etc. (anything except sweet) But with age we seem to tolerate and even seek them out. Why is that, what’s happening to our taste buds?

In: 12

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

All sorts of different reasons.

As we age our taste buds actually die off and are reduced. So it takes more X to taste X. This is why you’ll often have older people using lots of table salt and pepper at dinner.

Growing bones (bones of children) secrete hormones which increase metabolism and higher metabolism can allow for higher tolerance of sugary foods.

Smaller people (children) are more susceptible to toxic foods. Being smaller it takes a less amount of a toxic food to hurt them. So being able to identify is beneficial.

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