Why do our voices get raspy when we’re sick?


When you have an upper respiratory/sinus infection and your voice starts acting like it wants to go away completely, why? It’s been bugging me the past couple of days.

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I would imagine from upper respiratory inflammation and mucus? I could be wrong

Anonymous 0 Comments

Rapsy voices are caused by strain or overstimulation of our vocal chords.

So, in terms of sickness, this is called acute laryngitis! Basically just means your vocal folds are inflamed/red.
I’m going to assume you’re dealing with a common cold virus, in which case would weaken your vocal chords. Then, using your voice, or overusing it, would swell and inflame it, basically just distorting it and causing your raspiness.

Not much you can do besides breathe normal air and try to talk as quietly and least as possible until it blows over, which should happen once the initial cause is over too.