Why do people claim ketamine will have long lasting or permanent impact on your mental health, but other NMDAR-antagonists don’t?


If I take dextromethorphan (NyQuil) then four or so hours later I’m back to feeling like I did before I took it.

Just to be clear, I’m asking about taking ketamine under the supervision of a doctor. Not recreationally.

In: 23

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

From what I’ve seen the effects of keta one treatment for depression does seem to be time limited and repeat treatments after the initial round are often necessary. If there’s a remission of depression then it’s discontinued until symptoms recur which is true of most antidepressants except for ECT (due to the more medically intensive care needed for ECT).

To the second point of your question, Dextromethorphan is [hypothesized the have antidepressant properties like ketamine](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0306987711000545). The hypothesis is preliminary and needs confirmation though.

Edit: Also, just a heads up for anyone coming in to this thread, there’s commenters talking about *how* ketamine works and it’s all wildly speculative bullshit with no foundation in any theory of the mechanisms I’m aware.

One commenter is talking about ketamine as a primer for therapy but therapy is rarely done in immediate conjunction with ketamine treatments and the efficacy of ketamine for depression is independent of psychotherapeutic counseling.

Another commenter posits ketamine efficacy comes from egoic alteration which just isn’t supported or theorized in anything I’ve seen concerning the treatment.

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