Why do people feel bad or go crazy from infrasound?


Why do people feel bad or go crazy from infrasound?

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It’s not something there is a hard scientific hypothesis for, so there isn’t a “correct answer” at the moment. We are still beginning to understand how infrasound effects people physically and psychologically.

The simplest hypothesis would be that that infrasound in nature is generally linked to A. rare B. bad things. Things like earthquakes, volcanic activity, tsunamis, and other large scale, catastrophic weather phenomena. We know that many animals, not just humans, freak the fuck out (that’s scientific jargon) due to infrasound and it’s probably some deeply evolutionary reaction to bad-things-coming.

It’s sort of like how you might have a full blown panic attack at 2 am from a dream about a math test you missed despite being a grown adult years out of school. Our bodies are now reacting to modern problems with deep evolutionary reactions.