Swallowing tells the body it’s okay to relax. Imagine running from a person with a knife. Do you stop and take a drink of water? Nope, that’s for later when you are out of danger. So when you take a drink it’s signalling to your body that you are okay.
(Science-y version is Swallowing stimulates the vagus nerve and helps your system go out of the sympathetic response (fight or flight) and into the parasympathetic response.)
For me it’s basic human reaction. Someone in distress needs simplicity. Focusing on taking a sip, putting the bottle/glass to and from is second nature but enough to distract. Like many others have said. Sick?-Soup. Crying/emotional distress/ water-snack-walk
Anger-walk- snack-water
All of the above-physical touch
Be kind.
A few days ago I had to tell an eight year old that his aunt is dying. He cried so hard and just couldn’t stop saying show it’s too sad when people die. I wanted him to not be so hyper focused on his pain without telling him so. I offered him a tissue, a Starry, and a truffle. It took his mind away from it enough that we could talk about what he was feeling. So basically distraction and/or calming tactic?
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