I know the effect from my former me and many of you might have experienced it, too. When drinking a lot of alcohol one tends to forget minutes to hours of what happened. Why does this happen? Are the cells storing the info dying? Is there a problem with passing the info down to the cells that store them? Are we just tired late at night and this is the reason why we cannot remember? Please help me to understand.
In: 33
Alcohol inhibits your brains ability to create *long term memories*, hence why you will still remember a few minutes ago, but when you go to sleep and your brain tries to form those crystallized memories it won’t be able to
The more you drink the more difficult it will become for your brain or the more segmented the memories will be
A symptom of severe alcoholism is large lapses of memories over time, even when you are sober, because your brain needs to create those long term memories to function optimally
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