Why do people procrastinate?


Why does the brain make me want to look at random Wikipedia pages for hours instead of being productive?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

when i get up i make a mental list of 3 to 5 major things i want to get done today.

i prioritize these as such (mostly by labor or how much materials (tools etc) i need)

what actually happens is i start with the lowest priority and then maybe get to the top priority.

by reprioritizing i am both procrastinating and self- sabotoging my projects.

and if i work on a project not even on the list i still feel some sense of accomplishment

also i select an area to work on. ie clear the area between the garage and the house.

hope some of this help

i sum for me it’s a coping mechanism.

i do better with a deadline so i usually set a one hour timer on google

i find taking before AND after pictures helpful wben organizing / cleaning

Anonymous 0 Comments

Human are mammals, and large ones. It is natural for us to spend a large portion of our time conserving resources by not being productive.

The modern world has us tricked into trying to work like ants.