why do people scream when they’re frightened?


I’m genuinely curious about this because it seems like every time I see footage from a disaster, shooting, etc. All you can hear is screaming when, in all honesty, it would be disadvantageous to do so (specifically in regards to aforementioned shootings) since that would draw more attention to one’s self.

In: 16

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you’re already in danger you’re usually not going to add much danger by screaming, and you might either scare off the danger or have someone come help you.

It doesn’t work as well with modern dangers but historically most danger was stuff like wild animals where screaming is helpful.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Have you never been scared dude?

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s an alarm system. It ensures everyone is paying attention, and any and all friendlies or neutrals can hear and either move to help or secure themselves. It’s not a rational reaction, it’s an instinctual one.

Anonymous 0 Comments

This is a bit of a speculative subject as a “why do humans do XYZ”.

Leading research shows that people hearing screams also experience a sympathetic fear response and [can generally locate the direction faster than other sounds.](https://www.science.org/content/article/why-screams-are-so-scary) Some speculative answers say it alerts the rest of the group to come help the person who screamed, and also can deter or startle predators.

Other animals also make alert noises. Other primates being social creatures have a number of noises like screams to convey information as well. Animals that work in groups would have a clear benefit for a “oh crap. There is something about to attack us, everyone get up and 1. Come help me. 2. Get ready to fight for yourselves.” noise.

People also do not always react rationally in high stress situations. The same way freezing up like a deer in headlights isn’t always the safest option. The prefrontal “logic” areas of the brain take backseat to the fight, flight, or freeze portions. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Thank you all for the responses, i learned something new today lol

Anonymous 0 Comments

Humans have been social animals almost since we evolved. Screaming is a survival trait, because it attracts the attention of the group, and the group will respond to help the one who is screaming.

Think about it. When you hear a scream, what do you do? You look toward the sound. You might even move that way, to see what’s happening. It’s just how humans react to hearing another human scream. That’s not how most animals react. Most animals would flee. So, for instance, a deer screaming wouldn’t help it survive, because the rest of the herd would just run away. So deer never developed that behavior. Some animals did, and humans are in that group.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m not entirely sure because for me really frightening situations usually make me unable to make any sound.

Except for one thing one time that did make me scream. It came so naturally, almost like I couldn’t stop it, and even while I was screaming I thought to myself that it was really weird to be reacting like that. Only happened once in my life. It was the Korean web comic. You know the one.

Anonymous 0 Comments

People are making great points about attracting the attention of the group, but human beings, selfish as we may seem, are also pack animals and communal living is a huge evolutionary advantage for us. Screaming means not only do you try to get help, but you also warn others that there is a problem and you increase overall survival. A lot of other species do similar things, often with pheromones and the like, but we’ve got loud screaming

Anonymous 0 Comments

yeah women do, its a signal for help + prioritizing the emotional process /feelings, its just how they are

Anonymous 0 Comments

Perfect timing for this question. I had my first involuntary scream a few weeks ago. I was in my kitchen and a mouse ran across the floor (tiny mouse, my house is clean, I live in the mountains) I saw it out of the corner of my eye and the movement made me scream in such a shocking way. Like I screamed before my brain processed that I was screaming type deal