why do people scream when they’re frightened?


I’m genuinely curious about this because it seems like every time I see footage from a disaster, shooting, etc. All you can hear is screaming when, in all honesty, it would be disadvantageous to do so (specifically in regards to aforementioned shootings) since that would draw more attention to one’s self.

In: 16

10 Answers

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This is a bit of a speculative subject as a “why do humans do XYZ”.

Leading research shows that people hearing screams also experience a sympathetic fear response and [can generally locate the direction faster than other sounds.](https://www.science.org/content/article/why-screams-are-so-scary) Some speculative answers say it alerts the rest of the group to come help the person who screamed, and also can deter or startle predators.

Other animals also make alert noises. Other primates being social creatures have a number of noises like screams to convey information as well. Animals that work in groups would have a clear benefit for a “oh crap. There is something about to attack us, everyone get up and 1. Come help me. 2. Get ready to fight for yourselves.” noise.

People also do not always react rationally in high stress situations. The same way freezing up like a deer in headlights isn’t always the safest option. The prefrontal “logic” areas of the brain take backseat to the fight, flight, or freeze portions. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

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