Why do people stress eat?


Why are people prone to binging on sweets and junk food when stressed?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Food gives you the happy chemical. It’s the same reason people smoke or drink etc when stressed.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Stress leads to the release of Cortisol the “stress hormone”. Cortisol increases your hunger.

Cortisol evolved for survival so it’s goal is to get your body ready to run for your life from a lion. It does things like turn down the immune system (saves energy, also why we give cortisol based steroids to reduce inflammation) and raise blood sugar (more energy available for muscles/heart to use). Eating is one way to raise your blood sugar (what if you have to run from the lion all day?)

Unfortunately we don’t run from lions anymore, and cortisol is more of a health detriment than anything else.