why do people talk about a “dating pool”?


So there is only one person that I want to date, and that is my future wife. If I date multiple people **(not at the same time. As in we break up and date another person afterwards)**, than I haven’t found her. So why do we talk about “dating pool”s and size of it? Is that important?

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It doesn’t refer to how many people you are dating/will date. It is how many people you might have the chance to go out with to begin with.

For example, if you live in a tiny isolated town, most of the population will be married, too young, too old, or otherwise unsuitable. You may only have a handful of people you could possibly date without uprooting yourself entirely. Very different from being in a busy city.

Similar restrictions/opportunities come up if you are very social and get lots of opportunities to meet new people vs spend your free time on solitary activities.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Dating pool is the group of people available for you to date. You date people in your dating pool in search of a mate, or whatever your purposes are.

But dating pool just refers to the group of potential people you can date.

For instance, I’m not in your dating pool. I’m married.

You’re dating pool is likely people who live within 25 miles of you, are single, are within 10 years of your age, give or take. Etc…

Anonymous 0 Comments

What you are saying does make sense. However there are other ways of thinking about it.

When people travel to the US and go to a grocery store, something they often comment on is the size of the cereal aisle and the selection there. WHY do we need 400 different types of cereals? Well, we don’t. We need 1 type of cereal. Or rather, each person can choose 1 type of cereal, and having 400 to choose from will increase the chances that they can find 1 that they individually like.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The dating pool is the people you have to pick from. It’s like thinking of all the stuff you have in your house to cook, that’s your dinner pool.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let’s say you are going fishing because you really need to eat tonight. You are correct that you only need 1 fish to eat, and so once you find it, the size of the pools no longer matter. You have your fish.

Before you catch anything though, the pools matter quite a bit. Sure, you can get lucky and catch a fish anywhere, but knowing where the fish are that you can eat will save you a lot of time and greatly increase your chances of catching the fish you want.