Why do people think there is a giant “hidden” planet somewhere in the depths of our solar system?


Why do people think there is a giant “hidden” planet somewhere in the depths of our solar system?

In: 5

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Boooooooo the mod who removed this 👎. How is this a violation of that rule? It’s asking a question that’s scientific in nature and has lead to some great informative responses.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I thought the earth was flat again and the sun and moon were lights. I don’t know all the details. Glass firmament with water above it. Antartica is an ice wall that encompasses the round flat disc earth. Space doesn’t even exist? Confused lol. Sounds plausible… maybe? 😂😂

Anonymous 0 Comments

Would we detect a planet at the L3 point?

Anonymous 0 Comments

This have actually happened several times in the past two hundred years and is generally how discoveries of new planets start. For example Neptune was discovered from theories and calculations first and then we pointed our telescopes at it. Not all the theories of planets have panned out though. Vulcan is the most famous planet which never was but there was also a theory of a ninth planet orbiting beyond Neptune which was based on calculations that assumed the theory of relativity was false. They did find a dwarf planet, Pluto, during this search but it turned out not to fit their calculations.

The current leading theory for a ninth planet is based on observations of the comets. We have already found some patterns in them leading us the theory of the Oort cloud. However as we have collected more data and do the calculations again the orbits are even less random then first thought. And there is a high chance that the comet orbits are caused by a planet disturbing their stable orbit. We can calculate roughly where it would be but it still gives us a lot of sky to look through and we do not have telescopes good enough to observe it yet. So we can only collect more data and build bigger and better telescopes.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Space is *ridiculously empty*. Even within our own solar system, there’s so much empty space that an entire planet could be out there past Neptune and we’d still never see it unless we specifically knew where to look for it.

There are [a bunch of weird things in the solar system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planet_Nine#Evidence) that could be explained by another planet existing out there, but it’s still not certain whether or not that’s actually the cause.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I haven’t looked too much into beside a podcast I listen too but, when they use certain filters and aim camera/telescopes at the sun they see a round object kinda behind the sun. Which some people believe it’s the annuaki home planet nibiru.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Several years ago [astronomers at Caltech found evidence](https://astrobiology.nasa.gov/news/caltech-researchers-find-evidence-of-a-real-ninth-planet/) of a large, unobserved planet by using computer modeling to extrapolate from the movements of objects in the Kuiper Belt at the edge of the solar system. Apparently it was pretty convincing, but if the planet exists, it will have an orbital period of over 10,000 years and be all but impossible to find. Astronomers have presumably been searching the sky ever since, hoping to be the first to spot “Planet Nine”.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically there are some odd orbital properties to some objects in our solar system and one explanation for the cause is a large planet with an elongated orbit that’s fairly distant from the sun.


Anonymous 0 Comments
