Why do people throw up when they get too hungry?


There’s been time where I’ve gotten so hungry I threw up and I want to know. Sorry if this is basic knowledge, im a teen and I’m honestly kinda dumb.

In: 116

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

No food in your stomach gives the acid more room to slosh around. This causes a feeling of nausea and in some cases will stimulate the body to vomit. I’ve also read that drops in blood sugar cause nausea as well.

As someone who gets nauseous when I’m hungry, it’s a pretty bad system lol

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Anonymous 0 Comments

As others have said, the the amount of stomach acid just sitting freely without breaking down any food cause nausea. Anyway, if you have more curiosity regarding science stuff you can also go to r/nostupidquestions or r/askscience.

r/sciencencoolthings is also a good resource for learning scientific discoveries and trivia. Keep up that curiosity!

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve never bought the stomach acid theory. I take copious proton pump inhibitors and still get this. My nausea also comes with sweating, dizziness, brain fog and irritability so is clearly systemic.

These are all signs of hypoglycemia but my blood sugar is never clinically hypoglycemic. Conclusion? Hypo symptoms can present before you get to clinical hypo levels. Solution: always keep protein on you for snacks, time your meals carefully and add healthy fats to them.

Anonymous 0 Comments

they do? never heard of it.