Why do people who stutter, don’t stutter when singing?


Why do people who stutter, don’t stutter when singing?

In: 411

35 Answers

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As someone who stutters occasionally, I also don’t get this

I mean ok, usually I stutter when I’m talking faster than I can think, or if I’m thinking way too much, but usually when I sing, the words just come out of my mouth

Additionally, to add on to u/perplex1’s post, if my stuttering is bad enough to inhibit my speech (rare, but it happens), I kinda just switch from thinking of the concepts to imagining hearing this announcer-type voice that is smooth as FUCK

also sometimes I mispronounce something and then trip through the whole sentance

also also sometimes I accidentally flip the first letter of two words, for example, “Tustin Jimberlake”

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