why do people with amnesia not forget their primary language?


why do people with amnesia not forget their primary language?

In: 146

15 Answers

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I was in a plane crash when I was 8, and awoke with retrograde amnesia. It’s the weirdest thing. I knew when I woke I was in a hospital but had no memory at all of existing before I woke up. I did not know my name, I did not know any of the people there, So I figured I was dreaming. Because I was paralyzed and aphasic, no one knew I was an amnesiac. I had to figure out what was happening on my own, and it took about a month to figure out it wasn’t a dream. When my father told me there had been a crash and my mother was killed, I started crying, and he thought I was crying because of my mom, who I was apparently very close to before the crash. But really I was crying because I knew now it was not a dream, and something horrible had happened. To this day I have no memory or emotion linked to my mom. Pictures of her are like pictures in a newspaper of strangers. It took me a while to learn how to talk again, and I wasn’t back to normal for about 7 years, so I never told anyone of this until years later. They had no idea.

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