Why do pimples not turn into little waterballoons when we sweat?


Why do pimples not turn into little waterballoons when we sweat?

In: 84

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The simple reason is that pimples aren’t blocked sweat glands. Your skin has another type of pore that contains your sebaceous glands. These produce an oily substance called sebum. These are what form pimples when they get blocked up; sebum is much tastier to bacteria than boring old sweat.

Sebum is part of your first line of defense against infection; it generally makes your skin a much less hospitable environment for the kinds of pathogens that make you sick.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

For the same reason our hairs don’t turn into little firehoses – they don’t contain sweat and they are not connected to the structures that produce sweat.