In addition to DarkAlman’s comment, we have very little examples to draw our conclusions from. Our Solar System has only 9 examples (Pluto is a planet dammit, screw you NdGT). We’ve got the following pattern:
– Mercury: 0
– Venus: 0
– Earth: 1
– Mars: 2
– Jupiter: a kabillion (80+)
– Saturn: a kabillion (83+)
– Uranus: 27
– Neptune: 14
– Pluto: 5
We can observe a few things, obviously much bigger planets = more moons, and the inner planets have few moons, probably influenced by the outer planets collecting them.
And Earths moon appears to be unique, not a captured object but a result of a collision. How unique? Well again we only have a handful of examples so its hard to say.
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