Why do Planets these days have the most stupidest names?


Like, A Planet with Rings 100x larger than Saturns? “J1401b”. Why Do Planets these days have the most stupidest names?

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12 Answers

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Astronomers these days discover thousands of new planets. Nobody has the time or the patience to think about giving them all unique names, given that we know very little about most of them.

For example, you have the planet WASP-43b. The WASP just tells you that it was discovered by the WASP program. The b tells you its the closest planet to the star (a is the star, c would be the next closest, and so on

Why do some of them have really long names like J04414489+2301513?

Because those are coordinates. With those numbers, an astronomer could find that star at any time of year.


Look at the Wikipedia page for any of these objects, and compare the Right Ascencion and Declination to the name

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