Why do pregnancies start counting from the last day of your period instead of the day of conception?


Also, how accurate is the due date?

In: 801

18 Answers

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It’s the date that’s able to be most reliably known.

If someone is having sex regularly there are multiple possible dates of intercourse, so that’s often not useful. Conception can happen any time between one and five days after intercourse, so no way to know that date either. Implantation can also happen over about a 5 day period, depending on when fertilization occurred. The first “missed” period is another possible marker, but relies on a woman having a reliable cycle and even then as it never happens is a guess anyway.

So to have a marker they use the one known date as a “good enough” counting point.

Accuracy is hard to nail down to the day, but generally not bad for picking the week.

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