Why do programs/games take long to load, but instantly close


When i boot up a game, it takes a hwhile to actually load up, and for me to start playing, how is it then, that when i save, and then click “quit to desktop” or even just close the game from taskmanager, the game closes instantly.

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It takes longer than you think. Just because the window is gone, doesn’t necessarily mean the program has closed. Next time, open Task Manager and look at the Game in the list before closing it, then watch what happens when you hit “Quit”…

When you “close” a program from task manager, it doesn’t “quit” properly, it just terminates the process. There’s no unloading, no memory clearing. All that crap is still in memory, the memory just gets marked as “free to use”, which *can* (and used to) cause some problems.

Edited to add: also, when you wait for a save to complete, you’ve done about 1/4 to 1/2 the work (depending on the game) of closing the game already, which is why it’s faster if you do that first

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