Why do programs/games take long to load, but instantly close


When i boot up a game, it takes a hwhile to actually load up, and for me to start playing, how is it then, that when i save, and then click “quit to desktop” or even just close the game from taskmanager, the game closes instantly.

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5 Answers

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Loading a game to make it playable means taking the DATA from your harddrive into RAM. Like when you buy a computer it has both Harddrive (x amount of data) and RAM(x amount of data)

Its like taking toys you wana play with from the storage and putting it on your desk. This takes time as its reading the data.

Closing a game just means your computer no longer uses the RAM that is has prepared, allowing it to be replaced by whatever else you load.

So “Closing” your game is like you just don’t care about what’s on your table anymore. Its still there (in your RAM) just… ignored and ready to be replaced.

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