Why do programs/games take long to load, but instantly close


When i boot up a game, it takes a hwhile to actually load up, and for me to start playing, how is it then, that when i save, and then click “quit to desktop” or even just close the game from taskmanager, the game closes instantly.

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5 Answers

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Take a board game, it takes a second to set it up, ensure you know the rules and get everyone ready to play.

Closing your video game is like taking that game board and tossing it all back into the bag, much faster

When you load a game it’s moving the data from the hard drive(or ssd) into memory(RAM) memory is much faster and where programs you are using are stored while you use them. Closing a program moves all that data out of memory. Ram is volatile meaning when it loses power it loses any stored data.

When you close your game, if anything needs to be saved the program will commit that to the drive then blank out the memory so it’s free and ready for the next set of data the computer needs

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