Why do programs/games take long to load, but instantly close


When i boot up a game, it takes a hwhile to actually load up, and for me to start playing, how is it then, that when i save, and then click “quit to desktop” or even just close the game from taskmanager, the game closes instantly.

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5 Answers

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Why does slamming a book shut take no time at all, whereas finding your place in a book you’re reading takes a bit of time? Because doing nothing is a lot easier than doing something 🙂

When a program is opening, the device has to load the various assets and start to get things running. When it closes, it just has to…stop.

Granted, to quit a program _safely_ the device does need to do a few things, usually related to memory/saving. It’s not always instantaneous.

That’s why sometimes, if a program freezes, you have to manually “force quit” — it instantly closes the program, but at the cost of potentially losing data from not shutting down properly.

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