Why do public busses have no seat belts?


Why do public busses have no seat belts?

In: 621

31 Answers

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Because city Buses are really big and heavy, and they also rarely get going that fast, since they are stopping at least every few blocks to pick people up and at red lights.

These things combine to create a really really low chance anyone is going to get seriously hurt on an accident using a bus.

The weight of the bus means it has a lot of momentum, so if it is going 20 miles an hour and a car pulls out infront of it, that car is only going to slow the bus down a little bit, the buses momentum will keep the bus moving forward, which means no one on the bus is going to experience a super sudden stop or g-force.

Or alternatively, if the bus is stationary and a car hits it going 20 miles an hour, that car is going to stop very fast very suddenly, while the bus might just start to lurch and roll and little bit.

Also, you have to consider the User.

Why spend money putting seat belts on busses that next to no one will ever use? Many people riding public buses are riding them for a short distance where even if they were offered a seatbelt, they wouldn’t plug it in. Some people don’t even bother sitting down at all.

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