Why do razors have multiple blades?


Often shaving commercials brag about how their razor has more blades than their competitors, are more blades somehow better, and if so why?

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8 Answers

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There are very few places on the body where the skin is tight. Most skin surfaces on our body are flexible. Unfortunately this makes getting a close shave difficult because light pressure on the skin would pull the surface away from the blade ever so slightly and you reay don’t want to press hard with a single razor blade for obvious reasons. That’s why with single blade razors it’s important to pull on your skin slightly to stretch it tight and allow the blade to cut the hair with minimal pressure.

Multibladed razors do this on their own. Imagine the classic physics experiment where someone lays on a massive bed of tightly packed nails. They can do this because while each nail is fairly sharp, they each distribute the weight of the person equally meaning no single point places enough pressure to break the skin. The 3+ bladed razors distribute the pressure over all blades allowing you to press on the skin more and pull it tight beneath the razor without using a second hand to assist.

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