Why do rivers never stop to flow?


Im living next to the rhine river in Germany and while sitting next to it I started to wonder: why does it never stop, even though the water is always flowing in the same direction? Where does it come from? Where does it go? Where does it come from, river flow joe?

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12 Answers

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Rain or snow falls on high ground. The water (possibly from melting snow) travels down the hill (due to gravity) and makes streams and rivers. The rivers dump into lakes / seas / oceans. The sun warms up water and it goes into the air (evaporation). It makes humidity and forms clouds in the sky that carry water until the air can’t hold more moisture and it rains or snows again. The process repeats.

Mountains in particular see a lot of snow and water on the side that faces the wind because the wind is forced up the mountain and cools the air. Colder air can’t hold as much moisture as warm air can, so it falls out of the air as rain or snow.

It’s called the water cycle, and it’s powered by the sun.

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