Why do rivers never stop to flow?


Im living next to the rhine river in Germany and while sitting next to it I started to wonder: why does it never stop, even though the water is always flowing in the same direction? Where does it come from? Where does it go? Where does it come from, river flow joe?

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12 Answers

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There are plenty of rivers and streams that occasionally or regularly run dry.

Not so much in Germany, but if you go a bit further south-west to Spain you may find some there.

The water for the rivers mostly comes from the sky in the form of rain and snow. The Rhine gets all the rain and snow that falls over a huge chunk of Europe.

Water rains down on the ground and then flows downhill and downriver to the sea.

Water generally doesn’t flow upriver due to gravity, but where the river meets the sea you may sometimes see it seemingly change direction in tidal areas.

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