Why do rivers never stop to flow?


Im living next to the rhine river in Germany and while sitting next to it I started to wonder: why does it never stop, even though the water is always flowing in the same direction? Where does it come from? Where does it go? Where does it come from, river flow joe?

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12 Answers

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Rivers keep flowing because water is always moving, driven by gravity’s force pulling it towards lower ground. Raindrops falling into the river supply fresh water, while streams and creeks joining the main course add to the volume. Even when rain ceases temporarily, snowmelt from higher elevations will continue feeding the stream. Due to all this continuous renewal and addition, water doesn’t run out, and the river keeps flowing relentlessly. As long as rainfall persists somewhere upstream, the river will carry sediments along, ensuring erosion can occur and keeping its bed at a level sufficient for water to flow smoothly. So, thanks to Earth’s topography and climate patterns, rivers remain perpetually active channels conveying vital water supplies from highlands to lowland areas.

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