Why do scientists say that there’s a huge possibility that intelligent life exists outside our planet?


What made them say that? Where was the probability from?

In: Mathematics

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Statistics says that it’s almost certainly true, that’s all:

* There are probably around 10,000,000,000,000 planets in our galaxy. There are probably around 2,000,000,000,000 galaxies in the universe. That means that there are probably somewhere around 20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets in the universe.
* If the chances of intelligent life appearing on a planet are only, say, 1 in a trillion, that would mean that there are probably around 20,000,000,000 planets in the universe with intelligent life.

The universe is far bigger than you’re able to imagine. Things that are ridiculously unlikely will happen *all the time* on a scale that large.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They believe there is life on Mars, it is most likely bacteria. When regions of Mars experience their summer, there are spikes in CO2. This is best explained by life.

Tardigrades (space bears) can survive in the void of space, with all the difficulties including the extremely high UV which can scramble DNA.

Considering that the universe is approximately 14 billion years old, and our galaxy is 6 billion.

Therefore with size of the universe, the age of the universe and life existing outside our planet, it is not a far jump to intelligent life.

To quite the great Dr. Ian Malcolm, “life finds a way”.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The universe is incomprehensibly huge, and nature tends to repeat itself. Even if a natural occurence, such as life, is extremely rare and improbable, the universe is so big that it’s bound to happen again.

If you go to a white-sand beach and find a single grain of black sand, which one is more likely?:

* That is the only black grain of sand in this whole beach?
* There’s very likely more black grains of sand, though it won’t be nearly as common as white grains?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Google the “Fermi Paradox” (or better search it on youtube)

We know that life can evolve on at least one planet, we know that there are other planets and there is nothing unique about earth(not like every plabet is like earth, but there surely are some that are similar enough)

So we can estimate how many stars there are. An average star has x planets around it and every one in a million might have good conditions to evolve life. So you can shoe that there should be not only some places where life could evolve but if you add in the age of the universe there should be billions ans bilions of times where life has formed.

TLDR: the universe is bigger and older than humans can think of, chances of there being life is just a numbers game.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Look at the scale of the universe… Infinite universe = Infinite possibilities. Intelligent life on this planet is proof that it is possible elsewhere. Its extremely likely that highly intelligent life exists out there somewhere. Its probable that there are a ton of intelligent species with space tech. But the size of the universe is so vast they don’t know we are here either. Plus how would they reach us. Even with At Light Speed travel it would take lifetimes. Consider that the nearest solar system, Alpha Centauri is 4.37 Light Years away. Now the nearest Galaxy to our milky way is Andromeda @ 2.5 MILLION Light Years. There are Galaxies so far out there we can’t even detect them yet.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because there are hundreds of billions of galaxies made up of hundreds of millions of stars each, and we’re constantly funding out how many of our own neighbours have planets around them. The idea that the entire universe is dead except for us is ridiculous

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well because the universe is expanding infinitely and it is bigger than you can fathom, we’ve found micro organisms so you could make an accurate educated guess that there is intelligent life