Why do Scientists theorize about the Graviton Particle when Gravity is NOT a Force according to Einstein?


The Hypothesis is that the Graviton could be the force carrier for gravity. But with the knowledge of Einsteins theory of relativity which states that Gravity is NOT a Force, wouldn’t the Graviton disprove Relativity or at least some aspects of it?

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14 Answers

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Everything related to Quantum mechanics is highly debatable, with multiple perfectly working mechanics that are different from each other, all of which contains something that is technically impossible. Limitations of observation also mean it may be impossible to ever ascertain the actual truth of reality.

So while maybe it could change things, this wouldn’t be anything new to have controversial and contrary theories in the realm of QM.

Einstein himself disavowed most of them choosing to focus on relativity and gravity instead, because he was unhappy with the unreconcilable aspects of most QM models. Schrödinger came up with the cat example for the sake of showing how absurd he felt the Copenhagen model of quantum physics was (a cat obviously cannot actually be both dead and alive at the same time and indeed there is debate as to what wave function collapse actually mechanically is in actual reality).

Interestingly the mainstream QM model is the mainstream model partly for political reasons but mainly simply because it has the simplest and therefore most convenient to use formula. Bohmian is the next most likely format, essentially much closer to a classical physics approach that explains wave-like behavior of particles as the result of waves influencing the particles rather than the particles behaving as waves. But it also has some unreconcilable aspects to it. And it’s longer formula make it more annoying to calculate with.

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