Why do sensations such as heartbreak/sadness/anxiety feel like physical pain?


Why do sensations such as heartbreak/sadness/anxiety feel like physical pain?

In: Biology

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not to me or many others. I have no experience in what you are describing. Perhaps end you question with “for some people”

Anonymous 0 Comments

We’ve got this whole complex psyche thing going on that emerges from this organ that’s evolved from jellyfish to lizard to primate, with all the responses it’s needed along the way.

At this point we’ve got this high level functioning consciousness with fine tuned analytic capacity. Feelings are communications from deeper in our psyche, ways of assessing information and communicating it to early rudimentary executive functioning in a way that generates a response (as pain or other sensations in our body.)

Our consciousness can only attend to so much information, this focus possible because much uncertainty is already attended to, responsibilities shared rather than surviving as the single organism of our early evolutionary history. But we still have these early capacities in varying degrees to assess broad amounts of information in much more chaotic environments. The results of this information processing arises as feelings.

A lot, perhaps most, of emotional and behavioural dysfunction exists as a result of higher level capacities being overwhelmed, leaving more fundamental responses to take over. Which were effective a few million or billion years ago, but not so much now.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The vagus nerve get strained when you are under stress so it feels like a heartbreak. The first answer sums it up.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Secondary somatosensory cortex and posterior insula. Basically, your brain releases the same chemicals that it would otherwise with physical pain from injury.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Also why do we cry bc of sadness ?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Back in the day when we were in the hunter/gatherer era, when someone was excommunicated or pushed from a group that most likely meant that the banished individual would die by themselves, and we carry that feeling when we go through similar situations to this day