Why do shadows sometimes become inverted (see video link posted in body)



I understand that light acts as a wave and there is interference effects going on here but that’s about as far as my understanding goes. The situation confuses me even more considering there is only one light source.

In: 4

9 Answers

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This one isn’t diffraction. The light source isn’t a single point, when you get far enough away the sun’s size gets bigger than the size of a single hole, so how light or dark a point on the ground is depends on how the sun is revealed by multiple different holes.

Lets say you’re way up close on a hole, the sun fits easily within it, you keep the sun centered within it. As you back up the edges of the hole block the outer ring of the sun, so you get less light. As you back up farther, the sun spills into the neighboring holes, so the ring of blocked light is a smaller proportion of the whole sun. The opposite happens for the web between the holes, up close 100% of the sun is occluded, but then as you get farther the holes next to it start to let light through.

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