Why do sharks have eyes on on the sides and not the front?


I learned that predators (such a humans, lions, wolves etc) have eyes that face the front to hunt down prey, whereas prey animals have eyes on either side to give them a wide field of view to spot predators.

How come sharks (apex predators) still have eyes on either side and not front facing?

In: 2

12 Answers

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Since the others did not mention it, sharks can see with [electromagnetism](https://shark.swiss/sharks/biology/7-senses). Because they can see what is in front of them without eyes, may as well move the eyes to the side for better 360 vision. This way they get the defensive advantage of a bigger vision radius, but also get the perks from ‘3d’ depth perception with their electromag, and pressure sensing abilities.

iirc, [hammerhead sharks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgTbQlfOSKE) (17 min video) have that wide shaped head to better increase the accuracy of their sensing super powers.

If both eyes were in the front, they would be making other abilities and investments redundant.

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