why do shinny aluminum pie plates turn dull and dark grey in a dishwasher.


Even on low heat. What exactly is the reaction?

In: 6

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The reaction is aluminum plus oxygen (from the air) making aluminum oxide, which is dark grey or black. It’s basically “rusting” (normal rust is iron plus oxygen making iron oxide). The warmth and abrasion in the dishwasher makes the oxidation of aluminum go faster than it would normally.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s reacting with something in the dishwashing detergent. You should be able to find a MSDS for your brand of detergent and then search those chemicals for compatibility with aluminum.

Anonymous 0 Comments

aluminum can be etched with many different chemicals. commercial fishing boats are acid etched to remove the shiny coating. they quickly dull to a grey colour and once grey will not change much further unless it’s scratched.

it’s not the temperature, it’s the dishwasher detergent that’s stripping the aluminum.

if it’s shiny aluminum or anodized, don’t send it through the dishwasher.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The alkaline environment in a dishwasher dissolves the oxide film that exists on the outside of aluminum items. They are no longer protected from corrosion and can react with oxygen or water.