Why do small babies need soothing to sleep?


So in the weeks before a baby is born they have a sleep wake cycle & manage to go to sleep by themselves. However once they are born their parents have to get up in the night to soothe them. Now I realise that in the womb a baby has constant ‘food’ on tap & once they are born they get hungry & need feeding, but why do they need their parents to be awake with them even when all their physical needs are met?

In: 9

6 Answers

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You haven’t yet had the pleasure of being pregnant, I see. The baby does not have a sleep wake cycle, unless you mean that it sleeps when it likes and wakes when it likes. You woke your mother up by attempting the tango at 3am when you were inside her. So did my son. So do babies generally.

Once the child is born, the parents try to get it into some sort of pattern just so they can function and the baby can get enough sleep. It’s not innate or automatic. Sleeping patterns of behaviour are learned.

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